Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Contributions of Chemistry to Our Daily Life

             Chemistry is a big part of our daily life. We find chemistry in our daily life in the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the soap, our emotions and every object that we can see or touch. Soap is a chemical because the soap has been making for a very long time, that can form a crude soap by mixing ashes and animals fat. How can something so nasty actually make you cleaner? The answer has to do with the way of soap interacts with oil-based grease and grime.
        And what will you do if you want to wash your used dishes to make it clean and safe in foods you eat?
The answer is, you must used a chemical or a product that can solved your problems about unsafe and used dishes, like "joy dish washer" it is available in every store is a chemical or a liquid chemical that can clean a dirty or used dishes.And it is good,it may help you and your family to be safe and protected.
        The another example is, when you cook, if you're cooking you also using a chemical and it is also part of chemistry. Example: when you cook a fried chicken or fried fish, you must put an oil in flying pan and it must be heated and if it is hot you put the chicken or fish and put some ingredients like magic sarap or salts, its depend on what you want,and I'm sure that is delicious, but be careful to avoid incidents. The chemical their is oil and it will mixed in ingredients :).

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