Wednesday, July 17, 2013


                       Dose or good drugs! Medicine is applied in science, because in science their is chemistry, and if their is chemistry their is medicine. In chemistry they calculated some elements to produce medicine. Medicines can take oral or through anal. It is applied or it is practiced to diagnosis treatment. Medicines help to prevent and to heal some diseases and illness but not all medicines has a job, like in AIDS, some chemist cannot produce medicine to have remedy to that disease and now by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA in the United States of the America have approved that the Truvada medicine can cure the AIDS disease. Truvada or it is called tenofovir / emtricitabine, it is the combination of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and Emtricitable. Tenofovir is a nucleotid analogue and the emtricitable is nucleoside. Medicine is an encompasses variety of health care practices. It is envolved to maintain and to restore health. By preventing illness and disease to human being it is applied by prevention and doing treatment. It is contemporarily applied to health science, biomedical researches and medical technology. To treat the diagnose and to treat injury and diseases, it is typically through medication or surgery. They are also using therapies ads diverses to phsycotherapy, external splints, traction, prothese,  biologics, ionizing radiation. Medicine came from the word Latin "ars medicina', meaning is the art of healing.
                     Medical education is a education related to practice of being a medical practitioner; either the initial training to became a physician.
                       Since knowledge, some techniques and other medical technology it is use to continue to involve to a rapid rate. Some rich people take medical exams to help others or to orient them on how to cure or to heal their wounds, because their are some remote areas that the town people couldn't go to the hospital. Years were coming, doctors are upgrading their medical knowledge and some dose or good drugs. It is include medical journals, seminars and conferences to the online programs. Like us, students, we are having trouble on how to produce some easy chemicals and on how to cure a open wound, if it is in case of trouble. Why do we do this? Why, because this is not only for our grades but to have more knowledge in this situation and to widen your minds....

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